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Dedicated Truck

One or more trucks and drivers are assigned to your business and become members of your delivery team.  This is perfect for customers who need regular delivery service and want dedicated drivers and trucks.  $100k cargo insurance included with every delivery.

Complete Delivery Service

Truck Unloading

A driver and truck are assigned to your account and becomes a member of your delivery team.  Think of it as  "super temps” who comes with everything needed to start delivering on day one. 

​Assignments are a month or longer and include  driver, truck, fuel, insurance and any equipment needed to perform deliveries.  Service is guaranteed without disruption . A temporary driver will be assigned to your account if your regular DTM driver is not available because of vacation, sickness, or personal reasons.  A replacement truck is used when your assigned truck is out for maintenance or repair.

​Rates start at $800 per day based on an 8-hour work day and length of placement.  Call 858-414-6899 for a rate quote or if you have questions.   


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